
Women Health Checkup!

Introduction It is true that we all have a wide spectrum of health issues, but some illnesses have a....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Mar 30, 2022
Cervical Cancer Screening: An analysis Liquid-based cytology (LBC) + HPV test v/s Conventional Pap smear test.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Cancer Society (ACS) recommend tha....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Aug 2, 2021
Women, your health matters, take care of yourself now!

Every year we celebrate mother’s day and women’s day. We show our love and respect to important ....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Mar 2, 2020
Beat Cervical Cancer Before it Beats you

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among Indian women. The name was updated a few year....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Feb 6, 2020
Living a normal life with PCOD- Motherhood and the misconceptions associated with the disease

Polycystic ovary syndrome is something that affects a lot of women today. When the ovaries do not wo....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Jan 18, 2020
Bad Obstetric History (BOH Profile): The journey towards a peaceful pregnancy

Termination of pregnancy is a sensitive issue that leads to a lot of emotional barriers. Counseling ....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Jan 8, 2020
Diagnosing Preeclampsia: The Key to a Smooth Pregnancy

Preeclampsia is a problem that occurs in pregnant women. It is seen to affect 2 out of every 100 wom....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Jan 6, 2020
Mutation In Gene Causing BRCA (Breast Cancer)

Angelina Jolie Pitt had double mastectomy aimed at preventing the development of breast cancer & also  announced in a recent New York Times column that she decided to have another surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tu....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Oct 27, 2015

There are different treatment options for breast cancer which includes Surgery, Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal treatment. But a number of times, combination of treatments are used. The treatment selection is dependent on various factors: Siz....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Oct 20, 2015
5 Myths about breast cancer that everyone thinks are true.

Myth 1: A Lump in the breast is most probably a cancer. A lump in the breast is 80 % of the time not a cancer. It can mostly be a cyst or a fibro adenoma. Some Lumps come and go during a woman’s menstrual cycle. If you feel any kind of lump, then p....

By Dr. Ajay Phadke Oct 6, 2015