It's often difficult to find the source of annoying allergies. Here are a few tips to make sure to avoid the hidden allergens from everyday life.
Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine since it helps in destroying the molecular structure of histamine thereby decreasing the amount of histamine in the blood. Fruits like strawberries, papayas, pineapples, oranges, and kiwis, and vegetables like cauliflowers, broccoli & capsicums are excellent sources of Vitamin C.
Doormats made of natural material attract a lot of allergens which can cause allergic reactions. Doormats should be of synthetic material since mites, molds, and fungus does not grow on them. Clean it weekly to avoid the dust.
Leukotrienes are chemicals that contribute to the body's allergic reactions. A study among patients suffering from Allergic asthma found that those who took fish oil supplements daily for a month had lower levels of leukotrienes.
Make sure that your family and your guests remove their shoes before entering the house to reduce the amount of dust, mold and other allergens tracked in.
Most asthmatic symptoms occur due to dust which is accumulated on the bed sheets and the pillows. To prevent this, wash your bedding in boiling hot water and change your sheets at least once a week.
A study published in the journal Allergy found DOT, or disodium octaborate tetrahydrate reduces dust mite populations and their associated allergen levels to undetectable levels for up to six months.